Check out what people are saying about the Wickenburg Marshals!

From Rod and Robin Moriarty, owners of Vulture City:

“The Wickenburg Marshals have transformed the guest experience at Vulture City through song, laughter and stories of the ways of the Old West. We are truly thankful to all the Marshals for their high spirits and generosity and for declaring us their home base. All of us at Vulture are feeling pretty special!”

From Terri Langdon, Resident Lifestyle Director, Montecito Senior Living Community

“The Marshals lived up to their reputation and gave us a show we won’t soon forget. There were very interactive with the audience . I have been booking entertainment for ten years and know a good show. This one won’t disappoint!”

From Lorraine Brodek, Coordinator for The Webb Center Auction

“Super duper! The Marshals were the icing on the cake!! Your participation just made it a stellar event! Once again, thanks for donating your time and talent!”